CPEN 211 Lecture Videos (2019)

ALL videos are automatically posted to the UBC Mediasite page for CPEN 211 about 15 minutes after the end of lecture. To help you find older lectures by topic, links to videos from the 2019 offering of CPEN 211 will be put in the table below 1 to 2 weeks after lecture, along with a brief description and slide numbers. Slide set numbers are listed as "ssN". In the table below, slide numbers (pNN-MM) refer to the final version of slides (posted after lecture). Again, please note: The instructor (manually) updates the table below only once every other week, so please use the above link if you are looking for a recent lecture not shown below.

Lecture videos:
Date + link
to video
Slide NumbersTopics
09-04intro p1-end; ss1 1-7Course introduction; What is Verilog? (not recorded due to setup error by UBC IT; refer to slides)
09-05ss1 7-38Module syntax; effect of noise on circuits
09-10ss1 38-93effect of noise on circuits; representing information; unsigned integers; combinational vs. sequential logic; boolean algebra
09-12s1 93-end; ss2 1-24boolean algebra; equations to gates; NAND and NOR gates; Boolean expressions in Verilog
09-17Flipped Lecture #1: KMaps
09-18ss2 24-63Busses in Verilog; Module instantiation; One hot; iterative logic design example: Arbiter
09-19ss2 61-112module parameters; bit-slice notation; test benches; Testbench and debugging strategies; top level module; always block; SYNTHESIS RULES (Type 1)
09-24Flipped Lecture #2: Sequential Logic"
09-26ss2 111-end; ss5 1-47begin/end, ambiguous else; finite state machines (FSMs) in Verilog; test benches for FSMs; Multiplexers (1)
10-01ss5 45-end; ss6 1-15Less error prone FSM style, Multiplexers (2), Non-blocking assignments, SYNTHESIS RULES (Type 2); Decoder, Encoder, Multiplexers (3)
10-03ss6 15-28; Lab 5 introMultiplexers (4): one-hot versus binary select, FPGA internals; Lab 5 introduction
10-08ss6 29-84Factoring Muxes, Encoders and Decoders, Priority Encoder, Magnitude Comparator, Read-Only-Memory (ROM), Hexadecimal
10-10ss6 85-end; ss7 1-31Adders, Multi-bit Adder, 2"s complement, Subtractor, Overflow; Casex, Datapath State Machines (Counter, Up-down counter)
10-15ss7 32-endDatapath State Machines (Timer); Datapath/Control partitioning; Read-Write Memory (RAM); 2018 recording
10-17Lab 6 intro; ss8 p1-66Lab 6 intro; CMOS Gates: NFET, PFET, NOT, NAND, NOR, AND-gates, Tri-state inverter, Standard Cell Design
10-22Flipped lecture #3: ARM ISA (1)
10-24Flipped lecture #4: ARM ISA (2)
10-29ss8 p67-end; ss9 p1-35Midterm; Complex Gates; Function calls in ARM: arguments, BL instruction, return value and control, acquiring storage
10-31ss9 p37-100Function calls in ARM (continued): Stack spilling/filling, ARM Calling Conventions, >4 arguments, Recursion, fact() example
11-05ss9 p101-end; ss10 p1-20Function calls in ARM (continued): fact() example, local variables, ASCII, pointers and structs, optimization; I/O, polling
11-07ss10 p20-70Interrupts, Interrupt Service Routines, Interrupts on ARM
11-12ss10 p70-end; ss11 p1-20Interrupts on ARM, Pre-emptive Mulitasking; Fixed-point, Error/Resolution/Accuracy, Floating-point
11-14ss11 p20-end; ss12 1-24ss11 p20-end; ss12 1-24 | Floating-point (on ARM); Performance, Processor Performance Equation, Pipelining (NOT recorded due to IT error, see 2018 11-15, 11-20 videos)
11-19ss12 p25-endinstruction pipelining, structural hazards, stalling, data hazards, forwarding, pipeline control, control hazards, pipeline timing diagrams
11-21ss13 p1-53Memory types (disk, tape, SRAM, DRAM, flash), Caches: temporal & spatial locality, finding data: tags & block offset, LRU, index, set assoc.
11-26ss13 p53-85direct mapped caches, set associative caches, write policies; virtual memory, page numbers, page tables
11-28ss13 p85-end; ss14 p1-endTranslation Lookaside Buffers (TLBs), TLB & caches; Flynn's taxonomy, pthreads, synchronization, Amdahl's Law, consistency and coherence

(*) = pre-recorded

Other important videos for CPEN 211:
Lecture videos from 2018 (some content may change in 2019)
Lecture videos from 2016
Quartus/ModelSim Installation Video
Submitting your lab from a laptop or home (using handin when not in MCLD112)
Lab 3-8 Debugging Video
Lab 5 Demonstration of using DE1-SoC with lab5_top.v
Lab 7 Stage 3 Demo using DE1-SoC